September 17th is National Voter Registration Day. Register to Vote!
Voting is a fundamental process in our democratic system. It is a chance for every American citizen to have a say in the people who represent them or issues that impact them. Our voting process is fairly straightforward. First, a citizen registers to vote, researches the candidates and issues on the ballot, looks up their polling location, then casts their ballot during the election. Some states will mail you your ballot, so you can vote from home.
Fill out this registration form, which will send you to your correct state government registration website to finish your voter registration online. If you prefer to register by postal mail, you can print, sign and mail your registration form. After you register and vote, you’ll start receiving ballots with reminders to vote.
September 17, 2024 is National Voter Registration Day. As part of our Community Partnership, we’ve volunteered to help others sign up and promote voter registration.